The aim of sorting Second-Hand clothes is to play the role of a catalyzer for all the products we produce and prepare the road for the 3R’s implementation. Let’s start with“Re-use”:

A holistic approach to sustainability focuses not only on manufacturing and sales.

Once again SOFRIP focuses to be more sustainable, so we work in close cooperation with our customers, we give particular attention to the quality of Second-Hand clothes and shoes to meet the needs of our best-selling volume markets in the local and international markets.

With strict grading criteria and an extensive internal quality control system, we are able to deliver a wide range of quality levels to meet the specific needs and requests of our customers.

SOFRIP provides used clothes and shoes not only in good condition but also fashionable and trendy pieces. The used clothes and shoes are graded by the quality and fashion trends: The cream, the premium choice, 2nd choice, and 3rd choice.

The grades of used clothes, shoes, and bags are the following:

For Asian countries like India and Pakistan, we opt for the packaging in large bales of 450kgs-500kgs of clothing and shoes free of any defect according to the criteria required by our customers.
For the African niche market, we provide the tropical mix which is mixed between B and A grades without shoes and bags. The garments are packaged in large bales of 450kgs-500kgs prepared for certain countries in Africa like Togo, Nigeria, etc.
Close to our clients and always at service, we can collaborate with our clients to create the best selection that meets their requirements. So, do not hesitate to contact us for our standard list of sorted categories of articles and tells us your preferences.