SOFRIP towards the circular economy model

As Circular economy approach generates a wide range of positive social, economic, and environmental benefits and help to achieve the sustainable development, SOFRIP has already implemented and adopted a circular economy model.

In SOFRIP, we have set ambitious targets based on reducing the textile waste, reuse, and recycling, to preserve resources and allow valuable raw materials to be reprocessed, thus contributing to the protection of the environment.

This forms the basis of a circular economy model in our development strategy.

Transitioning to a circular economy is not only a matter aimed to reduce the negative impacts of the linear economy model. Rather, it represents a systemic approach that builds long-term resilience.

The reason why SOFRIP always focuses on positive society-wide benefits when a product reaches the end of its life will be used again to create further added value, contributing to innovation, new growth opportunities, sustainability performance, job creation and increase competitiveness.